Scientists have previously documented how bird migrations around the world are happening earlier every year. Recently, researchers from the University of East Anglia’s Schools of Biological Sciences in the U.K. fingered climate change as the culprit for early godwit migrations in Europe.
“We have known that birds are migrating earlier and earlier each year – particularly those that migrate over shorter distances,” Jenny Gill, a biologist from the University of East Anglia and one of the authors of a bird migration study, said in a statement, according to Red Orbit. “But the reason why has puzzled bird experts for years. It’s a particularly important question because the species that are not migrating earlier are declining in numbers.”
Source: Here
“We have known that birds are migrating earlier and earlier each year – particularly those that migrate over shorter distances,” Jenny Gill, a biologist from the University of East Anglia and one of the authors of a bird migration study, said in a statement, according to Red Orbit. “But the reason why has puzzled bird experts for years. It’s a particularly important question because the species that are not migrating earlier are declining in numbers.”
Source: Here
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