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Showing posts with label Donkey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donkey. Show all posts


Mules, also popularly referred to as donkeys or burros, are often kept as “beasts of burden”, not as pets.

With a mule being part of a cast of farm animals in the 2006 animated feature Barnyard, questions over what a mule was doing in the movie were not raised or encountered, but if Miles the Mule – voiced by Danny Glover – were in an urban setting, the idea of a mule being kept as a pet in the city would have been off.
Still, it doesn’t mean that there are no such things as pet mules, which are kept as loyal companions by people who find them agreeable to be with and not just handy in pulling heavy stuff.

A number of pet mule owners note that mules are actually NOT the temperamental or dumb animals popular media has defined them to be. Actually intelligent and highly observant, mules are known for being cautious with their surroundings, taking the time in understanding what is going around them before undertaking a particular task or doing anything in particular.

This penchant to better understand what’s happening around them before doing anything else has been ascribed to be the source of the “stubborn” reputation mules have been pegged with, along with their slated

Though open space where zoning restrictions allow for mules are necessary in keeping them, pet mule owners don’t always have to need a barn where their pets are housed, but mules themselves are keen on having their own space, allowing them to stay clear from the heat and the elements.

Access to pasture spaces is, however, important for mules, particularly in areas where foraging conditions are at their best. Clean up and mule maintenance is also necessary, with an allocated stall being cleaned two or three times in a week.

The cost of keeping a mule can be compared with that of keeping a horse, thus the reason why they are not particularly popular as pets. With horses, owners are afforded with a means of efficient transport, while with mules, their inherent strength simply makes them ideal as “beasts of burden”, which is a trade-off most mule owners would opt to pick in keeping mules.

Mules Video

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Chances are, when you think about the movie Shrek, the first thing that comes to mind won’t be the green ogre the film is named after, but one of its funniest characters, Donkey. Donkey is an unlikely sidekick to Shrek, helping him out of tight spots throughout the entire Shrek series of films and providing the majority of comic relief moments.

The Donkey, more appropriately known as an Ass, first originated from the African Wild Ass, considered today as one of the world’s most endangered animals. Donkeys have deep roots of domestication with man, with evidence suggesting contact with humans as far back as 5,000 years ago.

Donkeys are affectionate animals, greatly enjoying the companionship of people. In fact, donkeys are such social animals that they quickly become depressed when left without any companions. And just as how Donkey in Shrek is portrayed as being stubborn, some donkeys in real life exhibit the same traits. However, this is due to an instinct of self-preservation, rather than stubbornness. A donkey will also show this behavior if it still has a strong prey instinct and spent little time with people.

And one other thing about donkeys. Though Shrek’s version isn’t exactly the brightest crayon in the box, numerous studies have shown that just like its distant cousins the horses, donkeys are also intelligent, friendly, playful and cautious, displaying an ability and interest to learn from their masters.

Another surprising fact about donkeys is how good they can be as guard animals. Indeed, a good donkey will be great at watching over an entire herd of goats, sheep or cattle. Caution however, must be exercised when exposing donkeys to goats, as the two don’t often mix together—donkeys are used to coyotes as their natural predator.

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Donkeys Video

Singing Donkey - The Real One (Not Shrek's Donkey)

This one right here is for all you music lovers out there! Enjoy the music for the weekend everyone! If you know of any other singing animal friends out there, please share!
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