A recent news from Yahoo showed a Connecticut shelter dog that has been given a ‘thumbs up’ for
saving the life of Harper, a 9-week old baby who was discovered to have stopped breathing. We have
had heard many instances of dogs helping children and this has been once again reinforced by this
remarkable news.
Although there’s nothing really new here, just the mere dog-saving-baby act continues to amaze all of
us, a news-worthy item that is catchy and worth-sharing. Indeed, man's best friend can do a lot more
than fetch and roll over; a dog can feel, empathize and help in the most unassuming way.
According to Yahoo News, “The dog, named Duke, alerted the baby's parents that something was amiss
by jumping into their bed in the middle of the night. The dog was shaking uncontrollably.
The couple, Mr. and Mrs. Brousseau, from Portland, Connecticut, noticed the sudden change of
behavior since Duke was such an obedient and quiet dog. He suddenly burst into the room trying to
relay something. In an interview with WFSB-TV as seen in Yahoo News, Jenna Brousseau has this to
say, “He's insanely obedient so this was extremely bizarre.”
Because of this, they sensed something was extremely wrong. Both Jenna and her husband went in
to check the nursery where Harper was fast asleep. Duke did not stop pestering not until the couple
discovered Harper was no longer breathing.
They immediately called 911 and baby Harper was given immediate attention. If not for Duke’s
persistence and extremely bizarre behavior, the couple could have just ignored him, putting the life of
their baby at risk.
Duke was adopted by the Brousseaus from a shelter six years ago and since then, he became part of the
family. The arrival of Baby Harper completed the couple’s home and the incident that transpired proved
Duke’s gratitude and love for the family.
"He's the perfect dog," Brousseau said. "He was meant to be ours, and meant to be hers."
Grateful Dog Saves Baby Video