With the range of kitty toys, toy accessories and treats available in the market today, cat owners can just about pick whatever they want to give as their kitty’s holiday gift – from the elementally simple to the exorbitantly frivolous.
For those who like to keep things basic and simple, a ball of yarn as a gift for kitty goes a long way.
The Simplicity inherent in a Ball of Yarn
There’s a long running affinity between kittens and a ball of yarn (not necessarily a red one), one that isn’t just borne from shoddy marketing tricks or advertising gimmicks.
Simply put, cats of all ages can’t resist the “playtime” value inherent in a ball of yarn, regardless of color or size, making it perfect as a gift for kitty – not just for the holidays but for practically any occasion.
What’s more, since playtime with a ball of yarn requires responsible pet owner supervision, giving your cat a ball of yarn as a gift isn’t just about him or her having countless hours of fun, but also involves you being in the fray of all the happenings and goings on.
Reasonably priced, finding a ball of yarn as a gift for kitty isn’t going to be as challenging as finding cat breed specific toys or treats. Available in department stores and in general stores, a golden gift for cats can be found in a simple ball of yarn, one that is simply not just for your cat but for you as well.
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