With the holiday season well on its well, countless cat owners from different walks of life are busy jotting down gift lists, keen on covering the different toys and treats they’ll be giving to their furry wards.
From cat-sized beds to kitty nibble treats, scratching posts stand to be one of the top holiday gifts often picked out by cat lovers, year in and year out.
Why a scratching post?
Giving your cat a new scratching post isn’t just a gift that’s meant for your cat – it is also for you, since a new scratching post means no more furniture problems in the days ahead.
Available in different shapes, sizes and colors, scratching posts are practically available anywhere where pet supplies and accessories are sold, making the search for one quick, easy and convenient.
What’s more, having a scratching post handy means that your cat would have an “alternate” venue upon which he or she could “mark”, considering the fact that kitty scratching isn’t just about sharpening their claws, but also marking their territory.
While just getting one scratching post could be an issue for cats with multiple households, instances of kitty wars happening over the use of a post isn’t exactly commonplace, nor is it a cause for serious concern.
In fact, kitty wars are known to have been readily sated with a scratching post being around, making it an ideal holiday gift responsible cat owners could opt to give as a gift to one’s cat (or cats) this year.
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