For cat owners who wish to give their furry wards something special this year, the diverse range of toy mice available in the market stands to be a solid avenue where precious holiday gifts can be found.
From remote controlled mice to battery-operated toys, the range of toy mice types are as varied as the different cat personality types and quirks, making them perfect as holiday gifts for cats.
Toy Mice
While giving kitty a real mouse to chase around the house is sure to be a real treat, it’s a safe bet that responsible cat owners aren’t all that keen on giving in to their cat’s whims just like that.
A worthy alternative can be found in toy mice instead.
Practically available anywhere where pet supplies are sold, cat owners in search for toy mice gifts are not liable to have any problems in finding the perfect item for their furry pals.
From the colorful to the more life-like, toy mice varieties that double as “catnip dispensers” are also available in the market, often spotted in pet stores and pet specialty venues.
Remote control varieties that are meant to mimic the actual motions and movements of mice as also quite popular as toy mice options, along with advanced versions that can actually emulate the sounds made by real live mice.
Not only will toy mice capture the fancies of cats, having them around also affords cats a means of regular exercise, apart from honing their hunting instincts and skills in being top notch mousers.
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