Getting your dog a toy may not exactly sound as important as regularly bringing him or her to the vet for checkups, but getting your dog his or her doggy toy is important, something which every responsible dog owner should act upon.
If you happen to be in search for a doggy toy for your dog, below are the top toy options for dogs.
The Kong – Widely viewed as the “grandfather” of all doggy toys, the Kong is essentially a chew toy that is made with sturdy rubber.
Available in various sizes, the Kong, as simple as its overall premise as a doggy toy is, has managed to remain relevant as a doggy toy through the years, effectively giving one’s dog hours of playtime fun.
The Tricky Treat Ball – As a doggy toy, the Tricky Treat Ball is made not just as a simple doggy ball, but also one that affords dogs with a “reward” in the form of treats.
Also made available in various sizes and colors, dogs of different breeds and ages will find a lot to love in playing with the Tricky Treat Ball, apart from them developing a sense of independence and self-reliance in “working” for their own treats.
The Bob-A-Lot – As a doggy toy, the Bob-A-Lot is essentially a weighted doggy toy that is designed to stay upright, propping up and about when pushed over from side to side.
Made with rubber components that can weather the temperament and treatment dogs would impose on the toy, the Bob-A-Lot is bound to capture the attention and fancies of dogs, regardless of age or breed.
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