When talking about domestic pets, cats remain to be at the top, with countless households based in different parts of the world having a cat or two around in the house.
As such, the myriad of pet accessories for cats doesn’t come as strange, considering the huge number of proud cat owners who are keen on seeing to the well-being of their furry wards.
Cat carriers remain to be one of the most commonly encountered types of pet accessories made for cats, with the cardboard variety of cat carriers being among the most popular.
Here’s a quick take on one of the top types of cat carriers, the cardboard cat carrier.
Cardboard Cat Carriers – As the type’s name would already imply, cardboard cat carriers are generally utilized for short-distance transfers, and are not exactly built to last for years and years’ of use.
Generally, cardboard cat carriers are usually built for kittens, not for adult cats – though versions made for adult felines are known to be around.
In most cases, cardboard cat carriers are used as “one-time-use only” cat carriers, typically for trips from the house to the vet and back. Some cardboard cat carrier cases are designed to be “foldable”, allowing users to easily store the cases when not being used, then easily prop them up when their necessity comes.
Though not exactly the disposable variety of cat cases, cardboard cat carriers are often pegged as such due to their not so sturdy and not made to last construction, as opposed to another common cat carrier case type, the hard cat carrier case.
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