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Estimated 2000 dead birds found in a Beach in Chile


When one finds a dead bird on the beach, the scenario is often followed with a growing piqued curiosity, questioning what happened to the poor bird. If we’re talking about a responsible person, he/she would inform beach authorities about the dead bird, who in turn would then take the necessary actions geared in handling the decaying dead bird’s body.

It won’t hit news headlines, as is.

But when more than 1 dead bird is found on the beach – say, an estimated 2000 – that’s another story.
Based on the estimates of a natural history director in San Antonio, an estimated 2000 dead birds were found on beaches in Chile. It is believed that what happened the birds is a case of fishermen mistakenly capturing them with their nets, which led to the birds’ to drowning, being unable to fly away.

Spread across an area close to six kilometers or four miles on the beach, the dead birds’ were found scattered on the beaches of Santo Domingo, one of Chile’s coastal cities. The dead birds found included Guanay Cormorants, Gannets, Pelicans and Gray Petrels (mostly).

Jose Luis Brito, a natural history and archeology museum director, is convinced that fishermen “did nothing” when a number of birds got caught in their nets. The act was followed up with letting the fish drown, before their bodies were re-introduced into the sea.

As the needs of man are growing more and more, the incident reminds everyone of just how much mankind’s needs can cause heavy damage to the environment, particularly in the aspect of loss of wildlife due to unfortunate run-ins between men and animals.

To date, reports indicate a move in filing a complaint against fishermen, in relation to the multitude of birds found dead on beaches.

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