In offering a wide gamut of different selections of organic dog food options, Sojo’s has made a habit out of churning out healthy, grain-free and truly organic dog food meals.
As such, it really is no wonder why it continues to be one of the top organic dog food brands among discerning pet circles based here and there.
“Low Grade” are words responsible dog owners are not liable to find in Sojo’s featured selection of organic dog food options, with the brand keen on only using the best and freshest of ingredients.
Using only USDA approved meats and poultry cuts, the brand doesn’t use fillers, cut-offs or anything that could be pegged under the “low grade” umbrella, nor does it use any grains in the formulation of its meals, considering the fact that grains are not a natural staple in a dog’s diet in the wild, IE they aren’t really complementary with a dog’s digestive system.
Utilizing a variety of meat sources – from poultry to red meat – as its protein-source base, the brand’s organic meals are presented in “dry” form, which means that dog owners simply have to add water as part of its preparation phase, then serve.
With its keen take on only using the best of ingredients, it thrust in staying clear from chemical-riddled ingredients and its superior formulation of scrumptious meals, responsible dog owners will find a truly natural, comprehensive and wholesome meal selection for their dogs in all of Sojo’s offered range of organic dog food choices and options.
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