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The Hairy Yeti Crab


Discovered early 2005 somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, this unique, quite large- sized decapod grows to a maximum of 15 centimeter long and is distinguished from the rest of the crabs because of its prominent silky blond hair which largely resembles to fur all covering its legs including the claws.

Formerly known as the Kiwa Hirsuta, this crustacean was first found along the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge, 1,500 kilometers south of Easter Island at a depth of 2,200 meters, approximately 7,200 feet. Then shortly after, a second species, Kiwa puravida was discovered in 2006.
Hairy Yeti Crab
Dubbed as the “yeti crab” or “yeti lobster”, scientists have enough reason to name it as it is although recent discoveries have found out that apart from significant hair growing on the legs and claws, there are similar specie with hair, but this time there are certain mats of hair found on the abdomen prompting a more apt moniker, “the Hoff” which is obviously derived after the Baywatch star’s name, David Hasselhoff, known for his tall physique and hairy chest.

During a 2010 expedition venturing into the deep-sea vents in the Antarctic pioneered by British scientists, it was found out that apart from unique octopuses and new starfish, there were multitudes of crabs with long hairs on its abdomen, practically piled upon each other prompting the Hasselhoff name.

With the recent findings, there has been a clamor to continue to protect the deep ocean during the exploration. Most often than not, the attempt to explore can be overtaken by the effects of exploration, eventually exploiting the deep sea marine life. According to Dr. Jon Copley, an author on a research paper, he said, "The
exploitation of the deep ocean is overtaking its exploration. We're fishing in deeper and deeper waters, oil and gas is moving into deeper waters and now there's mining starting to take place in deep waters."

Copley elaborated further, “Until we understand what governs the patterns of life at deep-sea vents, how interconnected their populations, how well life disperses from vent to vent, we can't make responsible decisions about how to manage these deep-ocean resources."

Yes, it may be hairy, scary, creepy and crawly, but this Yeti crab may just reunite the Baywatch fans out there.
Hairy Yeti Crab

Hairy Yeti Crabs
 Hairy Yeti Crab Video
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