German Shepherd
We are familiar with German Shepherds as police and military dogs. As their name indicates, German Shepherds originated from Germany.
Male German Shepherds are approximately 61-66 cm (2-2.17 ft) tall, females 56-61 cm (1.84-2 ft), and commonly weigh 99-115 pounds (37-43 kg).
German Shepherd dogs are intelligent, courageous, obedient, agile, and easy to train. In the military and police, German Shepherds are trained to pursue and arrest criminals, and track of narcotics or bombs.
Since the German Shepherd is very friendly and obedient to the people closest to him while remaining aggressive to strangers, German Shepherd dogs can become a great guard dog for the home and a good guardian dog for livestock.
With its noted intelligence (third from the Border Collie and Poodle), the German Shepherd dog is extremely talented and make an excellent rescue dog.
German Shepherd dogs are usually black and brown, although sometimes there are dogs colored gray brown or black and white. These dogs were renamed “Alsatian Wolf Dog” by the UK Kennel Club after World War I, in fears of harming the breed’s popularity due to anti-German sentiments. By the 1970s, they regained the right to again be recognized as German Shepherds.
Male German Shepherds are approximately 61-66 cm (2-2.17 ft) tall, females 56-61 cm (1.84-2 ft), and commonly weigh 99-115 pounds (37-43 kg).
German Shepherd dogs are intelligent, courageous, obedient, agile, and easy to train. In the military and police, German Shepherds are trained to pursue and arrest criminals, and track of narcotics or bombs.
Since the German Shepherd is very friendly and obedient to the people closest to him while remaining aggressive to strangers, German Shepherd dogs can become a great guard dog for the home and a good guardian dog for livestock.
With its noted intelligence (third from the Border Collie and Poodle), the German Shepherd dog is extremely talented and make an excellent rescue dog.
German Shepherd dogs are usually black and brown, although sometimes there are dogs colored gray brown or black and white. These dogs were renamed “Alsatian Wolf Dog” by the UK Kennel Club after World War I, in fears of harming the breed’s popularity due to anti-German sentiments. By the 1970s, they regained the right to again be recognized as German Shepherds.
German Shepherd Picture
the size of a German Shepherd
German Shepherd dog that has hair the color of the dominant white (albino genetics)
German Shepherd
animal wallpaper
German Shepherd
animal pets dog
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This article is very good. check for German Shepherd (Animal) Images And Wallpapers Collection
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