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Long Haired Domestic Cat

PersianRead more long haired domestic Persian CatRagamuffin Read more domestic Ragamuffin CatRagdollRead more domestic Ragdoll CatSelkirk RexRead more domestic Selkirk CatAmerican CurlRead more domestic American Curl CatExotic ShorthairRead more domestic Exotic Shorthair CatHimalayanRead more long haired domestic Himalayan CatMaine CoonRead more domestic Maine Coon CatNorwegian ForestRead more domestic Norwegian Forest CatScottish FoldRead more domestic Scottish Fold Cat

Exotic Shorthair Cats

Exotic Shorthair Pet CatsThink ‘Persian’ without the long hair. That’s the Exotic Shorthair. The first Exotic Shorthair cats were produced in the 1950s by American Shorthair breeders looking to improve the breed. They used Persian cats as outcross. At first, these short-haired ‘Persians’ were rejected by cat fanciers but by 1966, the Cat Fanciers Associated accepted this breed under the name Exotic Shorthair. Since then, other breeds were mixed into the breeding of the Exotic Shorthair, including Himalayan and British shorthair. Don’t be surprised if you see a very Persian-looking kitten in a

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest CatIs known as a big cat with and have long hair like a race Maine Coon, but he was good at climbing. Norwegian Forest Cat with a domestic cat native to Northern Europe in areas of very cold hence Norwegian forest has a thick coat of long hair, water-loss, and furry undercoat for insulation. During World War II, this cat breed is almost extinct, but the Norwegian Forest Cat Club helps breed norwegian forest cat with creating a formal breeding program. That is not registered as a cat race with the European Federation Internationale cat until the 1970's, when the local cat fanc

Funny Cat Picture

Sunbathing Catfunny cat picturestwo cute little cats in the glassfunny pet catsFunny Face CatExplore more Funny Cats picture on this site.

Funny Face Cute Cat

Cats are the pets are cute and adorable for toys, they are a natural behavior sometimes makes us laugh. Funny drawings of facial expressions pet cat;Funny Face CatSmiley Face Pet CatsLaughing FaceFunny Pet Cats PictureExplore more funny Cats picture on this site.

Pallas's Cat

Pallas's Catwildcat animal picturePallas Cat (Otocolobus manul, or Felis manul), Also known as the manul, is a small wild cat of Central Asia. E 'named after the naturalists Peter Simon Pallas, the WHO first described the species in 1776. Pallas cat is the oldest living species of a tribe of cats, the which includes the modern genus Felis. This feline with the cat disappeared Martelli, was probably one of the first modern cats evolve Pseudaelurus about 12 million years. Distribution and habitat Pallas's cat is widely available in Asian steppes at an altitude of 1000-4000 meters (3,300 and 13,

Long Haired Cats

Long-haired cats as in the picture below is a cat the most in interest by the fans of cats to maintained. This cat has a expensive depending on type and their uniqueness. Long-haired cats have different sizes, for example, maine coon cat species and the Ragdoll is the kind of large house.Read more below image.Beautiful Hairy Pet Catread more Persian CatRagamuffin (long haired cat)read more Ragamuffin Petsread more Ragdoll Cat read more Maine Coon CatThe Big Cat House Curly Haired Catread more Silkirk RexChinchilla White Colorread more Chinchillia pets

Ragamuffin Cat

Ragamuffin PicturesRagamuffin is a type of cat, known as rabbit fur and thick, especially along panjangn dibagaian neck down. ucing type Ragamuffin has a calm personality, it makes Ragamuffin become winners. Ragamuffin cat species is also very fun at all to make dolls or toys because his personality is friendly and calm. The cat was first introduced in 1994, Ragamuffin is a direct descendant of Josephine, Rag-cat of the original type. There are many colors / patterns available. Solids, Tabbies, Torties, Lynx, Mink, and blue-eyed pointed varieties. a large group of ACFA Breeders petitioned for

Funny Cats Pictures

Cute Scottish Foldfunny cats picturesCat whit his glass eyes (cat eyes glass)Funny Cat PictureCute Cat Get StyleCat DanceExplore more Funny Cats On this site

Scottish Fold Cat Pictures

Scottish Foldcat animalScottish Foldbeautiful breed catLittle Scottish Foldpet catScottish Fold Silver ColorRead more Scottish Fold cat
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