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Mako Sharks

Sharks are the stuff of nightmares for many people, and while most of us may have not have even actually encountered a real shark, just watching movies and videos about them sends chills down our spines. The movie Deep Blue Sea, released in 1999, captured audiences with its jaw-dropping portrayal of sharks. One of the sharks showed in the movie was a mako shark. This shark, also known as a shortfin or longfin mako shark depending on the subspecies, is a huge mackerel shark that lives in almost all of the world's oceans and seas. Shortfin sharks are known to dwell in tropical and temperate wat

Molly Fish

If you are still trying to master your fish-keeping skills, then start with an aquarium with a couple of molly fishes. These fishes are the ones you commonly see in aquariums, aside from goldfishes, and are the ones that used for feeding larger fish.Due to their prolific breeding traits and growth, mollies are known to be a highly sought-after feeder fish. They are commonly placed in an aquarium to feed larger fishes like Arowanas. They swim in groups or schools, often with four or more pairs. Much like other tropical fishes, they prefer to be placed in a warmer tank. A water temperature

Discus Fish

Many movies and books have featured the wild life found of the Amazon River, usually portraying them as terrifying man-eaters (think anacondas, alligators and piranhas). However, the number of harmless fauna that inhabits the Amazon far exceeds the number of those that pose some degree of harm.  One such animal would be a very common fish that lives in these waters known as the discus fish. The discus fish is a very colorful flat fish that many fish lovers and aquarium enthusiasts have taken a special liking to.There are originally three species of discus fish, the Common discus, Symphys


The ocean is a giant body of water filled with mysteries still waiting to be discovered. There are millions of species of fish that look very scary to humans. In the movie Finding Nemo, Marlin and Dory end up swimming in the dark and encounter one of the strangest looking fish in the ocean, an anglerfish. Anglerfishes are part of the order Lophiiformes. These fishes are boney and are named after the way they catch their prey. They use a thin fleshy growth, found on their heads, as a lure, in a method that’s very similar to angling, or even fishing.  Anglerfish subspecies have differ

White Bengal Tiger

Albino animals may be uncommon in the wild, but cases of albinism have somehow grown in animals held in captivity. For example, the white Bengal tiger, an albino mutation of the common orange Bengal tiger, is known to be kept and bred in zoos and nature reserves around the world. White Bengal tigers are extremely rare in the wild, but some have been reportedly seen in the areas around Rewa, Bengal, Assam, and Bihar in India. These giant cats have white fur with black or brown markings and may still show a little of their natural orange hue. In The movie 101 Dalmatians, the antagonist Cruela D

Dog Care – 5 Tips on Taking Care of a Sick Dog

Many of us start to panic when our dog gets sick. This is mainly because we do not know what to do. Below are some simple tips on how to take care of a sick dog. Keep them warmWhen your dog is sick, it’s best that you keep it warm. As much as possible, keep your dog inside the house at all times. If you have to go for a walk or a trip to the vet, do not say outdoors for too long. You can also bring around a blanket with you or make your dog wear some kind of jacket. Dogs that have degenerative myelopathy might have a hard time moving around so use a body supporting contraption to keep them wa


An orangutan took center stage in the 1996 feature, Dunston Checks In, co-starring with Jason Alexander from Seinfeld-fame, Faye Dunaway, Eric Lloyd and Rupert Everett.Telling the tale of how a mischievous orangutan made friends with a boy in a luxury hotel, the movie didn’t exactly become the epic comedy/adventure film flick it was poised to be, but it effectively managed to draw attention towards one of the most easily and readily recognized of apes in the world, the orangutan.Found in the jungles of Malaysia and Indonesia, the orangutan remains to be one of the most famous of the great ape

American Bulldog

For many pet owners, the thought of losing their pet is unbearable, so you can only imagine the agony they go through when they’re accidentally separated from them. However, have you ever wondered how it feels for the pets to be lost? That’s the premise of Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey, a movie that tells the story of three pets trying to make their way  back to their families when they’re left behind. It's a touching story about the bonds we create with our pets and how much we value them. One of the main characters in the movie, Chance, is an American Bulldog and provides the

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