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Jedi (Star Wars) Cats Anybody?

Here's adding to a smile on your weekend everyone! I'm just dropping by to share this nice video clips from Youtube user "rafelericsteel" featuring his Jedi (Star Wars) cats! Why the name you say? Check out this amazing clips to know that strong is the force in these cats!Now you understand ai? Hope you didn't miss the Jedi cat's defensive force field on the second attacking Seth dog! That was just awesome if you ask me. Props to rafelericsteel for the great visual and sound effects!Best comment on the video so far: "if you look close you can see the lightsabers are fake" by&n

Picking Out a Healthy Puppy

Choosing a puppy is one of the most difficult tasks dog lovers will encounter. Just looking at the puppy may not be enough to tell you how healthy it is. You don’t want to end up choosing a puppy and losing it after a year of two because of illness. Below are some tips that you can use when choosing a good and healthy puppy.Breed backgroundYou most likely have a specific dog breed in mind. A good way to make sure you get a healthy puppy is to read and research about the breed. Know their weaknesses and strengths and look out for common illnesses. Some early signs and symptoms of illnesses can

The Pet Fit Club – Pet World’s Biggest Loser Equivalent

Organized and run by the PDSA animal charity, the Pet Fit Club is made to help overweight pets shed some pounds to healthier, less risk weights and lifestyles.Though not as “well followed” as NBC’s Biggest Loser, the Pet Fit Club puts overweight pets in a toe-to-toe competition in losing weight, with a winner to be declared after a set period of time.This year’s Pet Fit Club highlights 18 pets, including 11 dogs, 5 cats and 2 rabbits, subjecting them to a 6 month diet course with a PDSA Pet Fit Club winner to be declared after six months.Fifi, a Bradford-based cat, stands to be the most “root

How to Potty Train Your Cat

As many cat owners would tell, training cats to use the litter box isn’t as challenging, given that cats are instinctively wired to find a “spot of dirt”, do their business, then cover up.Potty training your cat, however, isn’t as natural as letting kitty toilet instincts got at their own pace, but potty training your cat isn’t an impossible feat to accomplish.Here are simple steps, touching up on how to potty train your cat.These steps aren’t exactly foolproof ways, but many have found them to be effective in resolving how to potty train your cat woes.Rearrange your cat’s Toilet Arrang

Controlling Bad Breath in Dogs

Though bad breath isn’t really something which dogs can do away with, really foul smelling breath is just wrong, not only when grooming habits and dog etiquette standards are being talked about, but also when one considers a dog’s general health and well being.If your dog’s breath is apparently beyond “doggy” (bordering towards being “rancid”, even), here are some tips in resolving and controlling doggy bad breath issues.Getting to the Root of the ProblemFouler than usual bad breath in dogs is typically an indicator that something is wrong with him/her, health-wise.In most cases, foul doggy b

The Search for the Best Dog Shampoo

In most cases, dogs aren’t the most “bathing cooperative” pets, oftentimes involving a hide-and-seek ritual between owners and dogs before any actual bathing takes place.As such, most dog owners tend to value the time spent on bathing their dogs (given the different hassles encountered before and after the procedure takes place), opting for the best of bathing implements and items, with dog shampoo often being looked for.Here are some points to look into in finding the best dog shampoo for your pooch.Identifying your dog’s type of skinNot all dogs are the same, and working on this principle i

Training Your Dog Not To Bite

Dogs and their bites are a proverbial pair, often matched and associated with each other.Often brought up within the lines of “you can keep it as a pet if you train it not to make a mess in the house and not to needlessly bite anyone” by parents (oftentimes talking to their children), there is no truth in saying that dogs will always bite if given the chance.Training dogs not to bite is possible, but the difficulty involved is highly relative, dependent on the age and temperament of the dog in question.If you happen to be giving your dogs the hoops around not biting, here are some areas worth
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