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Snowshoe Cat

Snowshoe was developed by breeder Dorothy Hinds Daugherty in Philadelphia in early 1960. Snowshoe is the result of cross breeding of the American Shorthair with a Siamese cat, and the result is a sturdy cat with white markings on the face, chest and legs. Another farmer, Vikki Olander, write a standard for a new cat and pressing for recognition, achieved in 1974.AppearanceSnowshoe has bright blue eyes and his head is shaped like a wedge and topped with a medium-size ears are slightly rounded. Snowshoe cat is a cat of medium size with a body type between a strong and muscular, not slender or p


The cheetah is one of the big wild cats. The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world, taking only 3 seconds to go from 0 to 60 miles (96 kilometers) per hour.Even at high speeds, the cheetah is nimble and can make quick and sudden turns in pursuit of prey, using its tail for control.Cheetahs are known as the most efficient predators in the wild. Cheetah approach prey slowly with its spotted fur camouflaging it among the savannah bushes. When the prey is within range the cheetah will chase and pounce quickly. This animal is quite smart with its ability to detect the weakest animals. The

American Pitbull Terrier

American pitbull terrier comes from a fighting dog breed and is popular in the late 19th century. These dogs are deliberately bred as fighting dogs during those times and was quite a spectacle during the reign of England's Queen Victoria.In fact, the American pitbull terrier is a purebred (a breed that has not been crossed with any other breed). The present American pitbull terrier dog is "The Original Bulldog" which has existed since the 15th century and is the next generation of Molossus, a popular dog breed back in the Roman times.American Pitbull Terrier AppearanceThe American pitbul

Africa National Park

In Africa there are many different species of animals and their whereabouts are still growing, although some populations declining numbers of certain animals. Therefore animals in Africa are protected by the government, even from other countries like America, Autralia and the other countries involved to help and preserve the animals that still live in Africa. In Africa there is a huge zoo of "Kruger National Park" located in southern Africa, where "Kruger National Park" is the largest zoo in Africa. The animals in the zoo's nearly all been terbisa with humans so that they are tamed, although

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Pembroke Welsh Corgi originated from South West Wales. It is believed that the ancestors of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi were brought into Wales by the Flemish Weavers in the 10th century. The 'Pem' (as the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is affectionately known) is one of the two types of Welsh Corgi, the other one being the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, believed to have come from the same ancestor with the Dachhunds. It is also believed that the Pembroke Welsh Corgi shares the same ancestry as the progenitor of the Keeshond, Pomeranian, Schipperke and Swedish Vallhund. Welsh Corgis (also translated in Welsh as "

Skye Terrier

Skye terrier is one of the most ancient terrier. Skye Terrier originated on the island of Skye off the west coast of Scotland. Skye terrier dog was first developed to kill pests breeding, hunting raccoons, otters, and foxes.Skye terrier came to prominence in the 19th century. Skye terrier dog famous for this dog symbolizes fidelity.but the history of the Skye Terrier is still debated. Some believe that the Skye Terrier originated from the story of a shipwreck. It is estimated that in the 1600s, a Spanish ship from crashing into the stone from the island of Skye. When this happens, the victims
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