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American Bobtail Longhair

History of the American Bobtail Longhair cat originated from a family named Sanders a young couple who found a male bobtail kitten tabby brown colored, in the Indian cultural heritage area located in southern Arizona. Kittens are from wild bobcat kitten who married a local cat. The young couple to marry a male cat female cat with a normal tail. Then was born the kittens with a short tail (bobtail). Of the kittens is the American Bobtail cat race formed.American Bobtail Longhair cat looks like a wild cat that has a short tail. American Bobtail Longhair cat known for its loving, loyal and obedi

Difference Between Peterbald Cat And a Sphynx Cat

Many people ask about the differences between cats and cat Peterbald Sphynx type. Both cats are indeed very similar, they seem not to have hair and they are also the same shape. But the reality is not so! Both types of cats are furry, they have different genes. The gene that makes the hair Peterbald is a dominant gene, whereas the gene that makes the bald Sphynx is recessive gene. They have too look completely different. So this cat actually has quite a lot of difference.This is significant difference between the Peterbald and the Sphynx;The gene responsible for the lack of hair is completely

Ragdoll Cats

Ragdoll Cat history began in 1963. The story began when a ragdoll in Ann Baker who often borrowed from the neighbors cat named Blackie (the parent has a white Persian cat) and also his brother Daddy Warbucks but a different father. Ann then crossed and produce a new race called ragdoll. Until then he is establishing a special organization for ragdoll lovers. Then there is the husband and wife bought a pair of IRCA Ragdoll and intend to create standards and stabilize the properties of genetic Ragdoll to be accepted by all cat associations fans.AppearanceRagdoll cats are long-bodied with a soli

American Curl Cat Wallpaper

American Curl WallpaperCat WallpaperAmerican Curl Cat Wallpaper

American Curl Cat Info

American Curl is a natural genetic mutation, called Shulamith. American Curl was developed in the United States (California). American Curl was found by Joe and Grace wrinkle in California in 1981. All children were born during the American Curl are all ears erect, the American Curl's ears will start to bend when it reaches the tenth day since birth. there are two types of American Curl, the American Curl American Curl LH and SH. American Curl started in cattle in the 1980s and gained quite some popularity.Appearance American CurlAmerican Curl is a very unique cat. American Curl has a typical

California Spangled Cat

At the beginning of breeding of the California Spangled originated from the visit of a writer-director Paul Casey to Africa in 1971, where stray cats began to decrease in number. On his return he was to the U.S., he decided to make the kind of domestic cats with wild looks in the hope that people will not want to wear fur that resembles their own pets.Paul Casey finally produce the kind of cat as desired.In 1986, he has managed to produce a cat with an exotic appearance. They are registered with The International Cat Association (Tica) and can be outcrossed with long-term domestic or shorthai

Siamese Kittens

Siamese KittensThe nature of the Siamese kittens is always curious and hyperactive. Siamese cats are sometimes also annoying because it was too noisy. His voice was different from other cats, this cat is not meowing and sounds like. Short fur that does not require much maintenance, because it never tangles. Siamese cats are the most widely known men, the cat with ears, feet, tail, and darker-colored face. But there is also the color of edges brown, indigo, blue, red, tamarind and even flowers. Siamese cat's body shape long, slender, muscular and graceful, small head and triangular, snout nose

Ragdoll Kittens

Ragdoll kittens is one of the largest domesticated cat breeds with a sturdy body, frame and disproportionately large feet. This cat breed with blue eyes and coat colorpoint different. Ragdoll hairs is softer and most of them are born with hairs is thick and fluffy. And most importantly, Ragdoll cat is a benign group. Ragdoll cat is a cat the most obedient of all kinds kucing.Mempunyai four types of colors: seal, blue, and chocolate, lilac. At the time the kitten, ragdoll born with white and then the other colors appear. The more adult ragdoll cats, the color will be more concentrated. Ragdoll

Persian Cat Breeds

Persian cats including long-haired cats that much-loved people. Persian cats have a wide face, a snub nose, long and dense fur makes the cat looks cute. May be due to a long and thick hair as well as the nature of quiet, elegant and pampered, which is one hallmark of Persian cats. Persian cats are caged easier, relatively quiet and more suited to live in the house. Based on the length of coat, consisting emergency persian cat two types of long-haired (long haired persian) and a short-haired (exotic short hair). Persian Cat Head large and rounded, short nose and wide with a clear gap with the

Ragdoll Cat Breed

The Ragdoll cat is one of the largest domesticated cat breeds with a sturdy body, frame and disproportionately large feet. This cat breed with blue eyes and coat colorpoint different. Ragdoll fur is softer and most of them are born with fur is thick and fluffy. And most importantly, Ragdoll cat is a benign group. Ragdoll cat is a cat the most obedient of all kinds kucing.Mempunyai four types of colors: seal, blue, and chocolate, lilac. At the time the kitten, ragdoll born with white and then other colors muncul.Semakin adult ragdoll cats, the color will be more concentrated. Ragdoll familiar

Munchkin Cat Breed

Appearance Munchkin CatSpecial characteristic of the type is a short-legged Munchkin cats. Although it has short legs but no problems or interference with the spine. The spine of Munchkin cats can usually be distinguished from other cats. Not found any interference with the Munchkin. The gene that causes the short legs on the same Munchkin cat to that of the Daschund dog race. Unfortunately, the dog actually impaired the backbone. The nature of the Munchkin cat breed is very playful. Munchkin easily adapt to humans and other animals. Munchkin cat race quickly became quite popular. This is bec

British Shorthair Bear Cat

British Shorthair Cat PicturesCute British Shorthair CatsBritish Shorthair cat is one of the oldest races known to man. In general, medium to large size of its body weight ranges 4-8 kg. Her body was compact, solid, cobby, strong and muscled with the chest, shoulders and wide hips. His head was round and wide with full cheeks, located in the neck short and thick. British Shorthair short nose, wide and straight with no curve, the shape of a round chin. Ear sizes medium and wide at the bottom with a curved tip. The distance between the two ears are. British Shorthair large eyes and round, the c
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