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Borzoi Dog

Borzoi or Russian Wolfhound is often called hybrid Greyhound dog breeds and dog Arabic Russian long-haired shepherd. Borzoi dog is a dogs have a way a bit like a cat that has freedom of thought and independence of the natural. Borzoi keep themselves clean, they are difficult to control by their employers do not like most other dogs that make merka be difficult to train, but they have the loyalty and very friendly to people they already know well.AppearanceBorzoi dogs have fur is warm, soft, and dense to adapt in cold temperature environments. Formerly Borzoi dogs are kept for hunting wolves,

Electric eel / Electrophorus electricus

Electric eel (Electrophorus electricus)Is a type of fish that can generate a strong electric current (up to 650 volts) to hunt and defend themselves. Although called the eel or eel, it includes members of the order Gymnotiformes, which does not include both. Electric eels are common in the river Amazon and Orinoco river and surrounding areas. Body Size He could grow to 2.5 m long (8.2 feet) and weighing 20 kg (44 pounds), although usually average size is 1 m. Electric eels unique body shape. Nearly 7 / 8 body parts of the tail. At the tail of the batteries there is little in the form of small

The Abyssinian cats

Abyssinian catsAre one of the oldest race has ever known. Abyssinian resembles the appearance of paintings and sculptures dating back to ancient Egypt. Today the Abyssinian cat still has a shape similar to Felis lybica, African wild cat which is the ancestor of all domestic cats. Abyssinian cat muscular body, a neck and shoulders arch is beautiful, with a shape resembling almond eyes and big ears. Legs long and slender, triangular-shaped head and no corners are slightly rounded. Characteristic of the most visible Abyssinian is ticked Agouti coat color patterns are spotted.TemperamentAbyssinia

Beagle Dogs

The Beagle Puppy PetThe ancestor of the Beagle, the Talbot Hound, may have come to England from Normandy with William the Conqueror in the eleventh century. It could have been crossed with the Harrier and other types of English hounds. The name Beagle may have come from the French word begueule that means “gaped throat,” in reference to the breed's melodious bay; or perhaps is also of Celtic, or old English origin. The word ‘Beagle’ was first used in 1475 but became popular in the 16th century. In the late 19th century the Beagle became regarded as a competitor in various exhibitions. Beagl

Keeshond Dog Info

Keeshond is a medium-sized dog breeds and one of those who have long and thick fur, especially on the neck. Keeshond has a coat color ranging from light silver to dark black and colors in between. Keeshond fur is dark gray and black grew up extending from the body and gives a great impression. Keeshond has two layers of fur, fur inside is soft and light colored hair and a more rugged exterior that is used not only to protect themselves from extreme weather, but also repel dust and prevent fur glue to each other.TemperamentIf the face of things that tend to bark loudly Keeshond suspicious to a

Border Collie Pet Dogs

Border Collie Dogs Border Collie: Geniuses of the dog world Originating from Scotland, Border Collies were bred for herding cattle—the cattle-killing instinct of the wolf having been bred out of them, keeping only the urge to keep sheep or cattle in a group (herding instinct). According to Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs, Border Collies are at the top of dog intelligence. This intelligent tendency has been featured in the movie Babe (1995). The Border Collie’s intelligence, boundless energy and irresistible urge to keep a herd of small animals (and children) together, make Borde

Turkish Angora Cats

Turkish AngoraTurkish Angora cat, including agility, like moving and very friendly towards other cats. Turkish Angora also like to ask the attention of employers and manja.Kucing Turkish Angora is known as a very intelligent cat, curiosity about something pretty big. Turkish angora cat is too funny, very adaptable and easy to get along with the occupants of the house. Angora cat race has a body size of medium, with a gracefulness and elegance. Body long, slender, with long legs and tail. Thick furry tail and fluffy like a fox tail. Most white Turkish Angora, lilac, and dark brown. Turkish Ang

Savannah Cats

Savannah cats are considered one of the larger races of domesticated cats. A Savannah cat's body size is higher, slenderer, and larger than other domestic cats. These cats are the result of breeding 2 cat breeds; the Serval cats (wild cats from Africa) and exotic domestic cats that are smaller than the Serval cats like the Bengal cat, Oriental Shorthair, Egyptian Mau, or Serengeti.Savannah cats have a loyalty to its owner much like a dog's. These cats will follow you around just like any loving dog does. They can even be trained like to sit, pretend sleep, jump, walk on the rope, fetch, and a

Shih Tzu Dog Info

Shih Tzu Dog InfoShih Tzu has a long hair of various colors and patterns on the fur. Shih Tzu fur can cover the ears. They have a long, sturdy body, short snout, and short legs. Generally, Shih Tzu has a mercurial nature, very alert, intelligent, and have a good emotion but also arrogant. Shih Tzu is a companion dog, a friend of human beings and likes to socialize. Shih Tzu fur come in a variety of colors and patterns, but the most common is white and gold. A Shih Tzu's nose has wide open nostrils.Shih Tzu adults can adapt easily to new owners and environments. They mature at the age of three

Labrador Retriever Dog Info

Labrador RetrieverPuppyLabrador Retriever is a very smart dog, so it is not difficult to train because he learns quickly and likes to work for trainer / employer. Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world because of energetic, intelligent, and friendly making it suitable to be used as working dogs. Labrador Retrievers are very smart and have a working natural instinct to make the Labrador is almost perfect as a gundog. Labrador Retriever robust and muscular; proportional (compact); very active; skull width; chest wide and deep; rib width; the waist width and strong
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