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Dragonfly Red Coloranimal wallpaperDragonfly is the insect order Odonata, suborder Epiprocta or real sense, infra-order Anisoptera. It is characterized in terms of large eyes, two pairs of strong transparent wings, and elongated body. Dragonflies have six feet (and other insects), but most dragonflies can not walk properly. Dragonflies are the fastest in the world of insects. Dragonfly has many types, the dragonfly has a size, shape and color of a diverse.Dragonflies are predators that eat mosquito securities, and other small insects like flies, bees, ants, butterflies and rare. They are usua

Leopard Animal

Leopardanimal wallpaperSnow leopard in the area, ready to pounce on his prey.Leopard On the TreeLeopard was in the tree, because the leopard is a smart big cats climb, relax or stalking ordinary Leopard mangasnya from far above the tree. And often bring up keatasan catch a tree, so as not to be taken by other animals such as lions, heina and other.Leopard WallpaperTropical ForestLeopards also live in the area of tropical forests, leopards big cats who like to hunt in the water and sometimes play the water, not like a lion and cheetah.

American Shorthair Cat

American ShorthairAmerican Shorthair is the most popular type of 8 cats in the United States. American Shorthair has the body of a larger, leaner, and more muscular than most other kuncing. American Shorthair is also an active and lively until the American Shorthair in dubbed 'working cat', not like cats persian or angora.American Shorthaircat animal wallpaperLittle American ShorthairCute Little American ShorthairAmerican Shorthair Albino


Eagle-HawkEagle is a member of the family Accipitridae bird, eagle Most of the more than 60 species in Eurasia and Africa. Outside this region, only two species, namely ealng Bald and Golden Eagles were found in the United States and Canada, and nine more in Central and South America, and three in Australia. Meat eating eagle is a bird, an eagle is different from other bird species, the size they are bigger, stronger, and severe head and beak. Like all birds of prey, eagles have very large hooked beak for tearing flesh from their prey, strong muscular legs and strong claws. They also have ve


Gray WolfWolves (Canis lupus) are the largest (in terms of size) among the wild relatives of the domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris). In fact, dogs are actually a kind of wolf—remember the movie Babe (1995) where the sheep called the Border Collie dog ‘wolf?’ Domestication and breeding have turned domestic wolves into different fantastic forms (breeds) indistinguishable from the wolf. Some dog breeds, like the Siberian Husky and the Alaskan Malamute, look like ‘designer’ wolves. Some people cross dogs and wolves to produce ‘wolfdogs.’Dogs might be a type of wolf, but wolves are very differe

King Cobra Snake

CobraKing Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is considered the longest venomous snake in the world, reaching 18 feet (5.5 meters) in length. They can “stand up” to one third of their length (that’s 6 feet) and still confront an attacker. They will only do this when they are cornered, and are, in general, tend to avoid humans.Although king cobras are not the most venomous of cobras (some say that title belongs to the Philippine cobra, Naja philippinensis), they make up for it by delivering more venom per bite—up to seven milliliters—good for 20 people or an elephant, which they inject through fangs up

Little English Selter

Litle English Selterdog animal wallpaperDogs are tame animals kept in many homes. There are many different kinds of dogs that resulted from breeding and genetic engineering. These are pictures of various of home-type puppies.cute little dogDog Animaltame speciesDog wallpaperExplore more Dog picture on this site.

Cheetah The Wild Animal

The Big Cat CheetahCheetah PictureBeautiful CheetahCheetah Photo

Little Cheetah

Little Cheetah PictureCute Little CheetahCheetah WallpaperBaby cheetahCheetah Wallpaperwonderfull nature three little cheetah and his mother

Crayfish Pictures

Giant Red CrayfishGiant Blue Crayfish

Cheetah - A Big Cat?

Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)Cheetah - A Big Cat? Cheetah is one of the big cat species. Cheetas are unique and are very intriguing creatures. These felines are famous for their speed—their ability to sprint 120 kilometers per hour makes them the fastest living animals around. To put the Cheetah's speed into perspective, it has the capacity to go from 0km to 100km in 3.00 seconds flat. That puts it on the same level as the Noble M600, which ranks 8th on the fastest commercially produced cars (by 0–100 km/h acceleration) in the world per Wikipedia.  In fact, according to this list, no c
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