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Extinct bat rediscovered after 120 years without a sighting

In 1890, an Italian scientist discovered a species of bat in Papua New Guinea that hasn't been spotted since then. It was thought the species had gone extinct because there had been no sightings in 120 years. However, student researchers from the University of Queensland Catherine Hughes and Julie Broken-Brow rediscovered the bat species during a field expedition in the Abau coastal district in Papua New Guinea's Central Province. Welcome back, Pharotis imogene!The researchers only had their bat traps up for two nights in this location, which means the capture was an extraordinarily lucky one

Chimps Best Humans at Game Theory

As tough as it is to admit, chimpanzees are just better at some things than humans are. Scientists have previously revealed that our closest ape cousins beat us handily at short-term memory skills.Now, researchers report that chimps are also better than humans in simple contests based on game theory—a form of mathematics that deals with figuring out the best strategy when faced with a competitive situation. In the current study, published this week in Scientific Reports, chimpanzees at the Kyoto University Primate Research Institute in Japan played a hide-and-seek computer game (as in the pho

New Mexico's meadow jumping mouse now on endangered species list

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) added a rare jumping mouse living on the river banks of New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona into its ever-growing list of endangered species.The New Mexico meadow jumping mouse is now protected under the Endangered Species Act as ordered by the FWS, which says that the mouse is at an "elevated risk of extinction" due to cattle grazing, wildfires and drought and needs "significant conservation intervention."The FWS still has not issued a final statement on declaring a critical habitat for the endangered mouse, but it has called the move "prudent." Last yea

For the love of rays

Over the last 10 years, the conservation biologist has swum with thousands of the species of huge flattened fish. “They have the largest brain of any fish, make incredible ocean journeys and dive almost...“They have the largest brain of any fish, make incredible ocean journeys and dive almost 1.5km from the surface,” she said. “They never sleep and swim constantly over their 40-year lifespans. They’re so...Her groundbreaking research and global lobbying built momentum for the protection of the globally threatened species, which was listed in Appendix II of the Cites (Convention on Internation

Will ecotourism be good for the Turtle Islands?

A group of small islands in the southern province of Tawi-Tawi has long been the birthplace of the gentle and resilient green sea turtles, which is said to be the oldest reptile species in the world.More than 2,000 of the turtles known locally as “pawikan” nest in the islands every year. Other species, such as the hawksbill turtle, also frequent the area, which lies south of wildlife bountiful Palawan.Such distinction has earned the island cluster the name Turtle Islands, the last major green sea turtle sanctuary in Southeast Asia and one of the only 10 remaining nesting sites all ove

Urban frogs use drains as mating megaphones

A tiny tree frog seems to be using city drains to amplify its serenades to attract females. In research published1 today in the Journal of Zoology, researchers found that the Mientien tree frog native to Taiwan congregates in roadside storm drains during the mating season.Audio recordings revealed that the mating songs of the frogs inside the structures were louder and longer than those of their less-streetwise rivals, who gathered in patches of land next to the drains.“This is perhaps the first study to show that an animal preferentially uses human-made structures to potentially enhance the

Funny Dog Playing Dead after Finger Shot


Spider Disguises Itself as Bird Droppings

It’s the ultimate crappy disguise: The spider Cyclosa ginnaga hides from predators by looking like a pile of bird feces, a new study says.Study leader I.-Min Tso, an entomologist at National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan, first made the discovery walking through a research station in central Taiwan.Tso noticed Jackson Pollack-style splotches of white bird dung, which stood out in stark contrast to the lush green foliage. But when he looked more closely, Tso realized that not all of the blobs were bird droppings: A few were spiders in their webs. (Read about a spider that weaves a mysteriou

Strange Gender-Bender Bird

There are a lot of unusual things in the animal world which we don’t really notice, especially if they’re really not that obvious. However, some things are just too strange to miss out. A gynandromorph is any animal that contains both male and female characteristics. A very common example would be with birds. Amongst cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis), the ones with gynandromorphy would have half bright red and half light gray or brown bodies.  Normally, a male cardinal has bright red feathers that make them stand out from the females. Gynandromorphy is a very rare case. You’d be really l

Long Legged Wolf of South America

There are a lot of strange looking animals in South America, most of which many of us don’t even know existed. Imagine seeing an animal that looks like a fox, but has long legs like a gazelle. This creature, called the maned wolf, definitely stands out from other fox or dog like animals. They stand at around 3 feet tall and weigh in at 50 pounds. It’s the biggest canid you can find in South America and it resembles a fox with reddish- brown fur and long legs. From its name, it has a mane found along their backs. Their ears are long and large, growing to about 7 inches. They also have distinct

Meet the zebra lizard and 6 more of the newest species to be discovered

The World Wildlife Fund have discovered hundreds of new species and the pictures are sure to take your breath away.Since 2012 the global charity has identified 367 new discoveries while researching in the Greater Mekong region in southeast Asia. Included on the list are 290 plants, 24 fish, 21 amphibians, 28 reptiles, three mammals and one bird.Amongst the most interesting ones that have been found include a zebra-striped lizard.The reptile is only 11.5cm in length and has only one known habitat.If creepy crawlies are more your thing, a blind huntsman spider also made the list.With no ey

A True Artist Elephant

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